Allocating Evolution Effectivity for Variant Values and Options

You can allocate evolution effectivity for variant values and options in the context of the model version, including those inherited from the model.

Required access role: Leader

  1. View the Variants and Option Groups page for a model version. See Variants and Options Page.
  2. Select the variants and option groups for which you want to allocate evolution effectivity:
    • To allocate evolution effectivity for the variant values of all variants listed and for the options of all option groups listed, do not select the model version or any of its variants or option groups.
    • To allocate evolution effectivity for the variant values of a specific variant, select that variant.
    • To allocate evolution effectivity for the options of a specific option group, select that option group.
  3. Click Variants and Options Allocation .
    The Variants and Options Allocation pane slides in from the right. The variant values and options for the variants and option groups that you selected, as well as any inherited from the parent model or product line, are listed. If you did not select any variants or option groups, all of the variant values and options for all of the variants and option groups associated with the model version, as well as those inherited from its parent model or product line, are listed. By default, they are grouped by their parent variant or option group.
  4. Set the allocation of each variant value or option using its check box:
    • If the check box for a variant value or option is initially blank, it either has no evolution effectivity allocated or its evolution effectivity is allocated to another model version of the associated model. Select the check box to allocate its evolution effectivity to this model version.
    • If the check box for a variant value or option is initially selected, its evolution effectivity is allocated to this model version. Clear the check box to deallocate its evolution effectivity from this model version.
  5. Click Close.

After you allocate the evolution effectivity for a variant value or option to this model version, any future evolutions of this model version will also have the variant value's or option's effectivity allocated to it. After you deallocate the evolution effectivity for a variant value or option from this model version, any future evolutions of this model version will not have the variant value's or option's effectivity allocated to it.

Allocating the evolution effectivity for a variant value or option inherited to this model version from its model automatically connects its variant or option group to this model version. In many cases, deallocating the evolution effectivity for the last variant value or option inherited to this model version from its model automatically removes the connection between the variant or option group and this model version. The connection to the model version is not automatically removed if the variant or option group has been added to a logical feature as a design variant or if the variant or option group has been made mandatory at the product line level or model level.