Variants and Options Page

The Variants and Options page lists all of the variants and option groups associated with the model version or product line from which you accessed it. You can expand a variant to view its variant values. You can expand an option group to view its options.

To work with the list of variants and option groups for a model, see Variants Page for a Model. To work with the list of variants and option groups for a logical feature (called design variants), see Design Variants Category for a Logical Feature.

If a variant or option group was added as a design variant for a logical feature, but it is either inactive or has been removed as a design variant, the allocation status affects whether the parent object and their child variant values or options are listed. If any of the variant values for a variant or any of the options for an option group is allocated to the model version, all of the allocated variant values or options for that parent object (that is either an inactive or removed design variant) are listed under the parent object. If none of the variant values for a variant or none of the options for an option group is allocated to the model version, neither the parent object (either an inactive or removed design variant) nor any of the variant values or options for that parent object are listed.

All variants and option groups associated with a model version are listed on the Variants and Options page. Their child variant values and options are listed only if they are allocated to the model version. This means that:

  • Variants and option groups created in the model version context are allocated to that model version by default, so they and their child variant values and options are listed in the Variants and Options page.
  • Existing variants and option groups added to the model version are not allocated to that model version by default. They are listed in the Variants and Options page, but their child variant values and options are not.
  • Variants and option groups inherited to the model version from the product line or model are not allocated to the child model version by default. They are listed in the Variants and Options page, but their child variant values and options are not.
  • The variant values and options of variants and option groups that were added to a logical feature as a design variant are not allocated to the model version by default. The variants and option groups are listed in the Variants and Options page, but their child variant values and options are not.
  • Variants and option groups copied to the model version, and their child variant values and options, are allocated to that model version by default, so they and their child variant values and options are listed in the Variants and Options page.
  • Variant values and options cloned to the model version are allocated to that model version by default, so they are listed in the Variants and Options page.
  • Variants and option groups shared to the model version are not allocated to that model version by default, so they are listed in the Variants and Options page, but their child variant values and options are not.

To access this page:

  1. Open the model version or product line.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Variants and Options.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
Display Name The display name of the object. Click to open.
Note: By default, the objects are sorted alphabetically according to this column. If you sort the items by a different column then refresh the page, the list is automatically resorted alphabetically by this column.
Quick Actions The actions to create an associated subobject:

Icon Meaning Action
Create Variant Value Allows you to create a variant value for the variant. For more information, see Creating a Variant Value.
Create Option Allows you to create an option for the option group. For more information, see Creating an Option.
These actions are not available on mobile devices.

Name The name of the object.
Type The object type.
State The current lifecycle state of the object.
Display Text The detailed text describing the object.
Seq No The sequence number of the object (default = 1). This value automatically increments in units of 100, by default.
Note: Your Business Administrator can configure the increment value to account for resequencing. If the object is removed from the context, the sequence number is not recalculated.
Default Selection Indicates whether the object has a default selection:
  • Yes
  • No
Must/May Indicates whether the object is required or optional:

Option Meaning
May The variant or option group is optional. Option groups always have a value of May, which cannot be changed.
Must The variant is required. You can change this value for variants.

(Open in new window) Click to open the object's Properties page in a new window.
Inherited Status

Only shows in the context a model version.

Indicates whether the object is inherited from another object:

Option Meaning
Blank The variant or option group was created in the context of this model version.
Inherited Mandatory The variant or option group is inherited from the product line or model to which this model version belongs, and it therefore mandatory.
Rolled Up The variant or option group has been added to a logical feature as a design variant.


Only shows in the context of a product line.

Indicates whether the object is mandatory in the current context:
  • Mandatory (default)
  • Not Mandatory
List Price

Only shows in the context of a model version.

The list price of the object. If you update the list price of the object, you must manually update the total price of any product configuration that uses it.
Owner The owner of the object.

Actions Menu

Note: The Change menu and its options are not available for a variability feature that uses the Perpetual Resource policy.
Action Description For More Information
Create Variant Creates a variant for the model version or product line.

Required access role: Leader

Creating a Variant
Create Option Group Creates an option group for the model version or product line.

Required access role: Leader

Creating an Option Group
Add Existing Adds an existing variant or option group to the model version or a product line.
Note: You cannot add an existing variant value or option to the parent object. You must create a new variant value or option for each parent object.

Required access role: Leader

About Searches
Variants and Options Allocation Opens the Variants and Options Allocation pane that allows you to allocate the evolution effectivity of the variant values and options of the selected variant or option group, or of all variants and options groups, if none is selected.

Required access role: Leader

Allocating Evolution Effectivity for Variant Values and Options
Toggle Mandatory

Makes the object mandatory or not mandatory within its context object. Click OK to close the confirmation message.

Required access role: Leader

Copy > Copy From Copies a variant or option group from another object to the current parent object.
Note: You cannot share variant values or options. When copying variants or option groups from another object, if the source object is a model version, only the allocated variant values and options can be selected to copy, along with any variants and option groups.

Required access role: Leader

Copying a Variant or Option Group from Another Object
Copy > Copy To Copies a variant or option group from the current parent object to another object.
Note: You cannot share variant values or options. When copying variants or option groups to another object, if the destination object is a model version, only the allocated variant values and options can be selected to copy, along with any variants and option groups.

Required access role: Leader

Copying a Variant or Option Group to Another Object
Remove Removes the selected variant or option group from the model version or product line. Click OK to confirm.
Note: You cannot remove a variant value or option from its parent object.

Required access role: Leader

Delete Deletes the selected variant, variant value, option group, or option from the database. Click OK to confirm.

Required access role: Leader

Structure Compare Allows you to compare the structure of two variants or option groups. Opens a Structure Compare window where you can choose the second variant or option group and select criteria by which to compare the two objects.

Required access role: Reader

Running the Structure Compare Report