Edit Section

The Edit section provides commands for editing safety objects.

Clear Content
Clears the widget to begin with another model when you already loaded a system architecture in Fault Tree Analysis.

Cancels the last action.

Performs again the last action.

Edit Properties
Displays the Properties panel for any selected object.
The Properties panel displays basic, specific and advanced properties for the selected object. You can edit some properties from this panel.

You can move and dock the Properties panel.

Deletes any safety object:
  • From the architecture tree
  • From the fault tree
Note: You cannot delete a failure mode in the architecture tree if it is instantiated in a fault tree.

Create Failure Mode
Creates a failure mode for the selected system architecture component.
A failure mode is always contained in a fallible reference (that is, a list of failure modes) pointing a system architecture reference.

Important: In the architecture tree, if there is no fallible reference for the selected item, this command creates the needed fallible reference.

See Creating a Failure Mode.

Create Fault Tree Gate
Creates an undeveloped event that is not related to any existing failure mode or architecture occurrence.
See Defining a Fault Tree Analysis.

Open Reliability Source
Opens the Reliability Source widget to define reliability sources and formulas.
See Adding a Formula to a Failure Mode.