Reliability Source Widget

The Reliability Source widget helps access, create and manage reliability sources and formulas.

A reliability source is a library containing formulas. It can be organized with subreliability sources.

A formula can be assigned to a failure mode to enable the failure probability computation of this event.

This page discusses:


From the Edit section of the action bar, click Open Reliability Source .


Create Reliability Source
Creates a reliability source.
See Creating a Reliability Source.

Create Formula
Creates a formula in a reliability source.
See Creating a Formula.

Multiselection Mode
Enables to select several formulas or reliability sources.

Thumbnail View
Displays formulas or reliability sources as follows:

Tile View
Displays formulas or reliability sources as follows:

By default, this view is selected.

Table View
Displays formulas or reliability sources as follows:

Navigation Tools

To navigate between reliable sources and formulas, use the following commands.

Toggle Collapse
Collapses the formula view.

Switches back to the upper level reliability source.
You can click a reliability source to display its content (reliability sources or formulas).

Context Menu

The following commands apply to reliability source and formula.

Enables to edit the name, description, law type and law parameters.
Deletes the reliability source or formula.

Widget Menu

See 3DEXPERIENCE Platform.

Note: This command is available but it has no impact in the Reliability Source widget.

Pin to Dashboard
See 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Managing Widgets.