R2022x GA
Polyhedral GeometryBenefits: The Earth Materials and Volumes is more efficient and robust.
For more information, see
Polyhedral Geometry in Earth Materials and Volumes
Skin Feature of a Block ModelBenefits: Generating and updating a polyhedral mesh that represents the overall set of
blocks after a previously created geoscience filter is applied. The geometries that can
be extracted from such a filtered block model include:
For more information, see
Creating a Block Model's Skin
Action Bar: Earth Model Section
Block Filtering: Generic Filter Expression SupportBenefits: An improved User Interface for filtering blocks models and creating complex
filters under the form of nested queries and groups of queries, or both.
For more information, see
Filtering a Block Model on the Fly
Persistency of a Block Model's FilterBenefits: Storing filter specifications in a product to create, modify and save. Saving
a preferred display of a block model for reusing and sharing proposes.
For more information, see
Creating a Geoscience Filter
Filtering a Block Model with a Geoscience Filter
Support of the MDL Format in Surpac Block Model ImportBenefits: You can now import Surpac block models (in MDL format) to the 3DEXPERIENCE, perform advanced filtering, and control downstream reporting. This simplifies the
creation of a semantic process and an error reporting system.
For more information, see
Importing Block Model Files in Interactive Mode
About Format Files
Block Model CSV Files for Import
Optimized Preview When Importing an MDL Block Model FileBenefits: An improved user experience during the preview of the MDL file to import and
a constant loading time regardless the size of the input MDL file.
For more information, see
Importing Block Model Files in Interactive Mode
About Format Files
Semantic Dictionary: Volume Calculation on Quantities (and Grades and Concentrations)Benefits: More flexibility when reporting or aggregating attributes, by adding a new
property: Proportional mode. When preparing a volume report, the
proportional mode is taken into account to report the partial volume of a block and the
aggregation on an attribute contained in the volume.
For more information, see
Geoscience Resources
Proportional Mode
Substantial Changes Made to Block Model Functions: CalculateVolumeReportBenefits: A comprehensive list of the
For more information, see
Block Model Functions: CalculateVolumeReport
CalculateVolumeReport functions
that are supported. |