R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)
Enabling Healing for Polyhedral Geometry inBenefits: Extended support of polyhedral geometry during import to diagnose, solve, and
report topology defects.
For more information, see
About Reports and Troubleshooting
Importing OMF Data Interactively
GEOVIA Geolocation Support in Import and ExportBenefits: Greater flexibility in choosing source and target CRS when importing and
exporting OMF GEOVIA files. You can also store the projection that is performed within the data exchange
For more information, see
About Reports and Troubleshooting
Importing OMF Data Interactively
Expanded Coverage of Geometry Output TypesBenefits: You can now choose from a greater variety of geometry results when importing
files in 3DEXPERIENCE.
For more information, see
Importing OMF Data Interactively
R2022x GA
Customizing Import Options as per Activity inBenefits: A single setting to specify a preferred profile for importing GEOVIA files.
For more information, see
Customizing Preferences
Import Options As Per Activity available inBenefits: A single setting to specify a preferred profile for importing GEOVIA files
that can be overloaded at import.
For more information, see
Importing OMF Data Interactively