About Pit Optimization Scheduling

The Pit Optimization scheduling process applies to several elements that are summarized and detailed in the below table.

See Also
Enabling Scheduling
Item Details

Scheduling Units

Scheduling units are organized as a hierarchical structure or aggregation of objects. The are organized by:

  • Mine
  • Phase
  • Bench
  • Block


The algorithm searches to find materials that fulfill the defined constraints of a period. The searching order is:

  • Pushback by pushback

  • Bench by bench

  • Block by block


Benches can be scheduled into different periods. This happens when the capacity of the period is full, but the bench is not fully scheduled. When a bench needs to be split, blocks are visited followed the predefined order that is defined in the mining direction.


A block is the minimum of the schedule and cannot be split.

Fixed Lead

When the bench lead exceeds the defined fixed lead, the algorithm moves to the next, even if the current phase is not fully scheduled.

Discount Value

The discount vale is calculated using

NPV=  V/((100+DF)/100)^period 
. This is the conventional way to calculate NPV and is consistent with the generalized cost of capital model.
  • DF represents the discount percentage.

  • V represents the undiscounted block value.