Preserve Faces Using an Automatic Offset and an Extrapolation
You can partition a volume by selecting one or more faces and an offset value to preserve the selected faces inside the partition result.
You can partition a volume using a body, a surfacic feature, or one or more faces of the body. Preserve Faces Using an Automatic Offset and an ExtrapolationYou can partition a volume by selecting one or more faces and an offset value to preserve the selected faces inside the partition result. Split by Another BodyYou can partition a volume using a cutting body. Split by a Surfacic ElementYou can partition a volume using a surfacic feature. Advanced PartitioningIf you need to apply a load or a boundary condition on a specific area of your design, you can use the Sew command to prepare your model correctly. Before you begin: Create or insert the sew features before the partition features in the tree.
When you edit a partition, transparency is applied to the functional regions, unless a material is applied. |