About Sheets

Below are some information about how paper spaces, model spaces and sheets are managed.

Options for spaces and sheets are found in the DXF 2D tab (Import and Export) of the Preferences.

This page discusses:

At Import

An AutoCAD file is usually made of a model space that contains the geometry and a paper space (or several in AutoCAD 2000). AutoCAD recommends that the paper space contains the title box and one or several viewports (A viewport is a window to the model space). However other configurations are possible.

Important: Viewports with a not null twist angle (group code 51) are not correctly handled during import.

Drafting provides a simple method to manipulate a sheet. A sheet contains:

  • A main view which supports the geometry directly created in the sheet.
  • A background view dedicated to frames and title blocks.
  • Interactive or generated views.

  • When Paper Spaces in Background is selected, the data lying on the paper spaces are put in the background view of the layout sheet. The viewports are created in the working view.
  • When Paper Spaces in Background is not selected, the data lying on the paper spaces are put in a new auxiliary view of the sheet. This auxiliary view is visible in the 3D. You can change the view support for auxiliary views
  • When Keep Model Space is not selected:
    • When the model space is referenced by no viewport (or if there is no viewport in the imported file), it is created in its own sheet (unless it is empty).
    • When the model space is referenced at least partially by one or several viewports, it is not created in its own sheet. Only layouts are created. They contain eventual viewports. The entities found completely or partially in the clipping view are imported. The entities found completely outside the clipping view are not imported. In this case, select Keep model space to force the creation of the model space in its own sheet with all its entities.

At Export

You can define which sheets of a multi-sheets drawing are exported.

Select the required Exported sheets option:

  • Only current: Exports the data to a file with the name entered in the Save as dialog box.
  • All: Exports the data to several files. The name of each file is made of the name entered in the Save as dialog box and the name of the sheet (Drawing1_sheet_1.DXF, Drawing_sheet_2.DXF, ...).
    Note: With this option, the detail sheets are not exported because each DXF file embeds all the details referenced by its corresponding sheet.