CSV (Comma Separated Values) |
A .csv extension containing latitude
and longitude columns with WGS84 coordinates in decimal
degrees. For more information, see
http://www.gdal.org/drv_csv.html. If these
attributes exceed the valid range, the
gdal_invalid_geo flag is set to
INVALID . All .csv files
are read (one NETVIBES object per feature with its attributes) but only
those with lat and
lon attributes will have
geometry. More precisely, these files must
have a semicolon as field separator, UTF-8 text
encoding, and a dot as decimal separator for
floating numbers.
Partial |
FGDB (File Geodatabase) |
A .zgdb extension containing at least
one .gdb file or folder. A .zgdb is a zipped file
named .zgdb instead of .zip. For more
information, see
Partial Only simple features are
read, not the style.
GeoJSON (Geographic JSON) |
A format for encoding geographic data
structures. |
SLD does not appear for datasources.
GML (Geography Markup Language) |
A subset of XML (.gml extension) for
expressing geographical features. For more
information, see http://www.gdal.org/drv_gml.html.
The projection must be defined in each file
and for each feature (as for files written through
FME). If no such projection is found in the GML
file, coordinates are expressed in WGS84 (latitude
and longitude in decimal degrees).
Partial Only simple features are
read, not the style.
KML (Keyhole Markup Language) |
Only a subset of KML is supported:
except Simple Feature data, all other data is ignored
(see http://www.gdal.org/drv_kml.html and "KML Reading"
for limitations). |
Partial Only simple features are
read, not the style.
SHP (Shapefile) |
Standardized by ESRI. It corresponds
to a set of files and the following file extensions are
mandatory: .shp, .dbf, .shx and .prj. |
SLD does not appear for datasources.