Managing Per-dataset Styling

You can upload the style of the original dataset to the server so that all users using this dataset can then benefit from this custom styling.

Important: If you have multiple styles on a dataset, you can upload only the default style called Base Style to the server.

See Also
City Referential Panel
  1. In your City experience, select a dataset.

  2. From the standard section of the action bar, click Properties , and then modify some attributes.
    In our example, we change the color.

  3. From the standard section of the action bar, click City Referential .
  4. In the City Referential panel, right-click the modified dataset, and then select Upload Style.
  5. In the City Experience panel, right-click the origin dataset, and then select Remove Dataset.
  6. Instantiate the dataset again in your experience.

    To do so, you can either drag it from the City Referential panel, or reload the whole experience (this will force the retrieval of all the dataset styles from 3DGlobe).

    You retrieve the customized styling defined in the previous steps.

  7. In the City Referential panel, right-click the dataset, and then select Reset Style.
  8. In the City Experience panel, right-click the origin dataset, and then select Remove Dataset.
  9. Instantiate the dataset again in your experience.

    The original styling is restored.