About Mating Flanges

This pages gives you information about the options used in the Mating Flanges dialog box.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Mating Flange


  • Select the No trim check box if you do not want the base surface to be modified.
  • Select the Trim check box to trim the base surface at the connecting edge of the mating flange.
  • Select the Trim and Split check box to trim the base surface at the connecting edge of the mating flange and additionally split it using the reference element as the cutting element. A Split feature is created and aggregated under the Mating Flange feature in the tree.

No trim Trim Trim and Split

Reverse Direction

Click Reverse Direction to inverse the thickness direction, according to the orientation of the reference element.

As a result, the mating shape is displayed on the other side of the base surface.

Original direction Reversed direction

Flip Flange

Click Flip Flange to inverse the mating flange direction, according to its orientation. As a consequence, the mating shape is displayed on the other side of the reference location.

Original orientation Inversed orientation
Warning: The Flip Flange button is only available if the Both sides check box is cleared.

Both Sides

  • Select the Both sides check box to create a both side mating flange using a second reference element. By default, the same selection is used for both first and second reference element and direction.
    Both side mating flange with one reference element

    With a second reference element

    The second reference location is aggregated under the Mating Flange feature and can be used as an input for a further operation.

  • The Linked directions check box is automatically selected if the Both sides check box is selected. For both sides is used the first Reference direction. The second Reference direction text box is disabled.

    Clear the Linked directions check box to enable the second Reference direction text box and select another reference direction for the second side.

    With a second reference element and modified direction

Tip: To be able to use Trim and Split option with Both Sides, the reference elements must be different. In this case, the portion between the two elements is kept.


Using the Deviation option in the Mating Flange dialog box, you can specify an individual deviation value.

This can be needed, for example, if unwanted tiny edges are created because the default deviation tolerance is too small. In these cases, you can increase the deviation value until the tiny edges are removed.

By default, the deviation tolerance set in the Maximum Deviation text box in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > 3D Modeling Core > Generative Shape Design, General tab, Tolerant Modeling section, is used.

Tiny edge created with a swept surface as input element

Tiny edge removed by increasing deviation

  • The status of the Deviation check box depends on the Continuity Type defined in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > 3D Modeling Core > Generative Shape Design, General tab, Tolerant Modeling section. It is set as None if no continuity type is selected.
  • The default deviation value used depends on the design range setting, see 3DEXPERIENCE Native Apps: Introducing Design Range Management.