About editing Parameters

You can quickly display and modify a feature's dimensions in the work area, i. e. its length parameters (length, diameter and radius), angle parameters and fillet parameters.

You can use the following methods to edit parameters:

Below please find a list of all commands whose parameters can be modified in the work area when editing a feature.

Table 1. Generative Shape Design commands
CommandTypeSub- TypeParameter(s) displayed
Deformation Distance (Maximum distance along the deformation direction from the deformed surface)
CircleCenter and RadiusRadius, Start Angle, End Angle
Center and Point Start Angle, End Angle
Two Points and Radius Radius
Bitangent and Radius Radius
Curve as center elementRadius
Corner Radius
Curve Parallel Geodesic parallel modeConstant (Offset Distance)
Diabolo Draft Angle
ExtrapolateLength Length, Limit Type
Extrude Length 1, Limit 1 Length 2, Limit 2
Helix Taper Angle, Starting Angle Pitch Height
LineAngle/Normal to CurveSupport and Geometry on support selectedLength (Start and End) Infinite Start Point: End Infinite End Point: Start Infinite: /
Point-PointSupport selected
Point-DirectionSupport selected
Tangent to CurveMono-tangent and Support selected
Normal to Surface
BisectingSupport selected
OffsetOffset Value
PlaneAngle/Normal to PlaneAngle
Offset from PlaneLength, Offset Distance
PointCoordinatesLength, X, Y, Z coordinates
On CurveGeodesicLength (distance on curve)
On PlaneLength, H, V
On SurfaceLength (distance on surface)
PolylineRadius, Radius at point
Reflect LineAngle
RevolveAngle1, Angle2
RotateRotation Angle
Shape FilletBi-Tangent FilletRadius
SphereParallel Start Angle, Parallel End Angle, Meridian Start Angle, Meridian End Angle
SpiralAngle and RadiusStart Radius End Radius End Angle
Angle and PitchStart Radius Pitch End Angle
Radius and PitchStart Radius End Radius Pitch
Sweep Explicit Sweep
Linear SweepTwo LimitsAngle
With Reference Surface
Length1, Length2
With Reference CurveAngle, Length1, Length2
With Draft Direction
Angle, Length1, Length2
Translate Distance and Direction Distance
Table 2. Part Design commands available in Generative Shape Design apps
CommandParameter(s) or handle(s) displayed
ChamferAngle, Length1, Length2
Chordal Filletn Length
Circular PatternAngle, Length
Draft constantAngle
Draft reflectAngle
Draft variablen Angle
Edge FilletRadius, n Setback
Face-Face FilletRadius
GrooveAngle1, Angle2, Thickness1, Thickness2, LIM1, LIM2
Hole(simple)Diameter, Depth, Bottom
CounterboredDiameter1, Depth1, Diameter2, Depth2, Bottom
CounterdrilledDiameter1, Depth1, Angle, Depth2, Diameter2, Bottom
CountersunkDiameter1, Depth1, Angle, Diameter2, Depth2
TaperedDiameter1, Depth1, Angle, Bottom
Multipadn LIM1, n LIM2
MultiPocketn LIM1, n LIM2
PadLength1, Length2, Thickness1, Thickness2, LIM1, LIM2
PocketLength1, Length2, Thickness1, Thickness2, LIM1, LIM2
Rectangular PatternLength1, Length2
RibThickness1, Thickness2
ShaftAngle1, Angle2, Thickness1, Thickness2, LIM1, LIM2
Shelln Length1, n Length2
StiffenerThickness1, Thickness2
SlotThickness1, Thickness2
Thicknessn Length1, n Length2
Thick SurfaceLength1, Length2
ThreadDiameter, Depth
Variable Filletn Radius, n Setback
Note: For Chamfer, Chordal Fillet and Face-Face Fillet, there is no handle and therefore no linked ruler. For Circular Pattern and Draft, the manipulation arrow appears if the angle is positive and less than 180 degrees.