About Resizing Infinite Elements

This section deals with basic concepts you should know before beginning with resizing infinite elements.

See Also
Resizing Infinite Elements

The following features available in Generative Shape Design provide the capability to resize their graphical representation:

  • All features with an infinite plane as topological result (reference planes, planes, translation, rotation, symmetry, offset, etc.)
  • All features with an infinite line as topological result (axes created with the Insert, Wireframe, or Axis command, infinite lines, etc.)
  • Axis systems.

After having resized an infinite element, the following functionality is available:

  • The display is zoom dependent, i.e. the infinite element is scaled with the geometry.
  • You can reset the resized infinite element using the button Reset resizing .
  • You can move the resized infinite element when the cursor shape changes to when moving it over the element.

You can deactivate the handles' display by clicking into the work area or selecting another feature.

The resize information is stored in the feature. You can edit or reset it by selecting the feature.

The input feature resize information is copied to the result feature after using:

  • Copy/Paste as result,
  • Copy/Paste as result with link,
  • Copy/Paste as specified in Part document,
  • Plane offset,
  • Offset,
  • Transform commands (Translate, Rotate, Symmetry, Scaling, Affinity, Axis to Axis)
  • Projection command,
  • Engineering IP Control app

The resize information is only copied at feature creation (not at edition or after replacing the input).

The handles are not displayed, if you select a feature in No Show mode in the tree.

Note: You can modify the default display size of infinite planes with the Axis system display size (in mm) option in Me > Preferences > Common Preferences > Object Properties > 3D Shape> Display, 3D Shape Infrastructure area, Display in geometry area section.