Creating and Manipulating Geometry

You can create and manipulate geometry directly in the work area.

Before you begin: Open an empty part.
See Also
About Working with Context Toolbars
In the Knowledge Base
Using action bar command to edit sketch instead of context menu or context toolbar
  1. Select a plane in the 3D area.
  2. Click Sketcher in the context toolbar.

    The Sketcher app is activated.
  3. Create a profile and exit Sketcher.

  4. Select an element of the sketch and click Robot in the context toolbar.
    The Robot is connected to the sketch and another context toolbar appears.

  5. In the context toolbar, select:
    1. Create features mode ,
    2. Global Mode ,
    3. Same dimension , and
    4. Translate .
  6. Drag the Robot handle.
    The sketch is translated and Translate.x is added to the tree.

    The Robot is replaced by an arrow manipulator and a ruler appears. You can use the both the manipulator and the ruler for further manipulations.

    Tip: Clicking the value at the ruler opens an edit field where you can change the numerical value for the translation operation.
  7. Press Esc to undo the last step.
    The Robot is reset and the feature is removed from the tree. The Robot context toolbar remains active.
  8. Click Offset and move again the sketch.
    A parallel curve is created and Parallel.x is added to the tree.

  9. Press again Esc to undo the last step.
  10. Click Upper dimension and manipulate the sketch again.
    An extruded surface is created and the Extrude.x node is added to the tree.

    Note: In the context toolbar, the last family is no longer available, as no Translate or Offset manipulation is possible when Upper dimension is selected.
  11. Press Esc to undo the last step. Keep only the sketch removing the extrude feature.
  12. From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Plane to create a plane selecting xy plane as Reference and an Offset.
  13. Select an element of the sketch and click Robot in the context toolbar.
  14. Drag the handle toward the plane until the copilot appears.

    For more information, see Copilot.

  15. Press Enter or click the background to validate the command.
    The Robot is disconnected.