Using Global and Local modes

You can modify the topology of a feature globally or locally.

Before you begin: Create an extruded feature as shown.
See Also
About Using Global and Local Modes
About Working with Context Toolbars
  1. Select a face of the extruded feature and click Robot in the context toolbar.
    Global mode and Local mode are now available.
  2. Click Global mode , Same dimension and Translate and manipulate the feature.
    The topology of the feature is moved and Translate.x is added to the tree.

  3. Press Esc to undo the last manipulation.
  4. Click Upper dimension and manipulate again the feature.
    The topology of the feature is created using the Volume Extrude command and Volume Extrude.x is added to the tree.

  5. Press again Esc to undo the last manipulation.
  6. Click Local mode and manipulate again the feature.
    The feature is modified locally depending on the selected sub-element. A Transform.x feature is added to the tree.

    Note: In the context toolbar, the dimension settings are no longer available as no extrusion can be created using this option.

    Depending on the modification mode ( Translate or Offset ) used, a Transform Face.x or Offset Face.x feature is added to the tree.

  7. Double click the feature or the modified face in work area.
    The Modify Face Definition dialog box opens and the original face is highlighted.
    Note: The dialog box is only available with Transform Face.x and Offset Face.x features created in Local mode .

    You can edit the following parameters:

    Recognition context
    You can modify faces from the context toolbar in Local mode while ignoring constant fillets and chamfers.
    Modification within the Recognition context range
    If a face is connected to another face by a constant fillet (resp. chamfer) whose radius (resp. length) is within the specified recognition context range, both the selected face and the connecting fillet (resp. chamfer) are moved together when you modify the face in Local mode .
    Everything happens as if three steps had been manually performed in the following order:
    1. The fillet (resp. chamfer) is unset.
    2. The clicked face is moved.
    3. The fillet (resp. chamfer) is set back.
    As a result, the matter has been added at the connected face's side, and not at the clicked face's side.
    Modification outside Recognition context range
    If the radius or length, respectively, is outside the specified recognition context range, only the selected face is moved. As a result, the matter is added at the selected face's side.

    For more information on the ranges for the different industries see About Recognition Context Ranges

    Below is an example illustrating the fillets radii range influence of Recognition context setting. The initial feature consists of two orthogonal faces (1 and 3) connected by a constant fillet (2). Face 1 is selected face for modification.

    Initial feature with a fillet radius within the BiW recognition context range.

    Transform Face.x feature with recognition context: BiW

    Matter is added at the connected face's side (3).

    Transform Face.x feature with recognition context: Power Train

    Matter is added at the selected face's side (1).

    You can change the transformation mode. The available options depend on the selected mode.
    Transform Faces
    You can select additional faces to be transformed.
    Transform Type
    • Axis to Axis: By default, Transform Face.x features are created with this transformation type with Reference Axis and Target Axis defined according to the performed translation.
    • Translate: You can define the translation Direction and Length.

      You first have to define the direction. Then you can change the length either by editing the text box or dragging the handle in the work area.

    • Rotate: You can define the rotation Axis and Angle.

      You first have to define the rotation axis. Then you can change the rotation angle either by editing the text box or dragging the handle in the work area.

    Offset Faces
    You can select additional faces to be offset.
    You can change the offset distance either by editing the text box or dragging the handle in work area.