Creating a Draft from Reflect Lines

You can draft a face by using reflect lines as neutral lines from which the resulting faces is generated. You can also trim the material to be created by defining a parting element.

Before you begin: Create a cylindrical surface and close it.
See Also
Creating a Draft
  1. From the Volume section of the action bar, click Draft Reflect line .
    An arrow appears, indicating the default pulling direction. The default direction is normal to the face.

    You can click on the arrow to reverse the direction.

  2. In the Face(s) to draft box, select the cylinder.
  3. In the Angle box, enter an angle value or use the arrows to change the angle value.

    The reflect line is moved accordingly.

  4. Click Preview to get an idea of what the draft will look like.

  5. Click More>> to access further options.
  6. In the Parting Element box, select a plane.
  7. Click OK.

    For more information, see 3D Modeling: 3D Modeling Core: Part Design User's Guide: Creating Basic Drafts.