Remeshing and Matching Meshes

The electrical and mechanical models must use the same mesh for Abaqus to correctly map the time history of the voltage potential from the electrical simulation onto the mechanical model.

To ensure that you have matching meshes, you must remesh both the electrical and mechanical model using identical meshing parameters. In some cases, after you remesh the orientations of the fluid cavity, surface elements are reversed, and an error message indicates that the element normals are incorrect when you submit an analysis job for execution. You must edit the element normals and flip their direction.

When you remesh the atria, ventricles, proximal vasculature, or any portion thereof, you must map the original fiber orientations onto both models. If you are working with the Heart Model on premises, you can execute one of the simulation process experiences supplied with the model to perform the remapping. For more information, see The Heart Model Simulation Processes.