Data Information Panel

The Data Information panel contains information about the current context and the selected object. It allows you to quickly modify the properties of an object.

This page discusses:

General Information

The Data Information panel allows you to quickly verify or edit the properties of an object.

The Data Information panel is composed of several sections. The Instantiation Context Selection section is always displayed and other sections are displayed depending on the selected object.

Each section contains properties defined by their names and values. Some of these properties can be edited. Their values are displayed in bold when you move the pointer over them. To edit them, you need to double-click them.

The name of the properties that have been modified by the last action or impacted by the modification of another property are highlighted in blue: if you edit a property, using the Data Information Panel or not, you will be able to see it has been modified or impacted by looking at the Data Information panel.

Instantiation Context Selection

The Instantiation Context Selection section is displayed by default in the Data Information panel. This section enables you to instantiate within a specific system, without defining it as the active object and is always displayed irrespective of the selection.

There are three properties in this section:

  • Active View: Displays the active view in the selected logical system. This attribute cannot be modified.
  • Active System: Displays the active system in the selected logical system. This attribute cannot be modified.
  • Instantiation System: Lists the logical root system and all the logical subsystems under the root system. Select an entry in the list to define the selected logical system or subsystem as the context for instantiation.
    Note: This attribute can be edited only if the Define the active object as mandatory context when inserting reference option is cleared in the Context Management section of the Preferences. For more information, see Me > Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Architecture > Functional and Logical Design > Diagram View.

Object Selection

When you select an object, other sections are displayed in the Data Information panel.

Seven kinds of objects can be selected: a logical reference or instance, a hvac component, equipment, a port, a route, or a line ID. According to the selected object, you have more or less sections that appear in the Data Information panel, in addition to the Instantiation Context Selection section that is displayed by default.

Logical Reference or Instance Selection

When you select a logical reference or instance, the following sections are displayed:

  • Instantiation Context Selection
  • Identity
  • Version Information
  • Collaborative

The editability of attributes from the Version Information and Collaborative sections are the same as the default behavior for these attributes in the Properties.

HVAC Object Selection

When a hvac object is selected, the following section appears:

  • Instantiation Context Selection
  • Identity
  • Applicative Information
  • Line ID Info
  • Version Information
  • Collaborative

The Applicative Information section displays the common hvac attributes.

The Line ID Info section displays information regarding the line ID of a piping object. This section does not appear when selecting a line ID since the information is already displayed in the Applicative Information.