Click Catalog Browser
in the Tools section of the action bar.
The Catalog Browser dialog box appears.
Click Open a catalog.
The Choose a Catalog or Chapter dialog box appears.
Optional: To select the catalog:
Click More.
The Object Selection dialog box appears.
Search for the required catalog.
Select and click OK when results appear.
The catalog is opened in the Catalog Browser dialog
The components of the selected catalog are displayed in the Catalog
Browser dialog box. The name of the Catalog Browser
dialog box is updated with the name of the selected catalog,
ElecCatalog in this case.
Select A_Pumps-323 in the left-hand column in the Catalog
Browser dialog box.
All the pumps in the
catalog are listed in the right column in the Catalog Browser
dialog box.
Right-click A_CentrifugalPump in the right column and select
Use Item > Insert.