HVAC Design File-Based Design Import: Objects

File-based Design Import (FBDI) enables content migration from V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE.

This page discusses:

See Also
In Other Guides
File Coexistence and Migration

V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE Data Import Table

The following table describes import correspondences between V5 file-based data and 3DEXPERIENCE content.

The statuses for import results fully import, partially import, and not import (-).

V5 Data Type 3DEXPERIENCE Content Type Import Result
HVAC Part Data
HVAC PartIn New Typing mode, there is a preference to select the HVAC part type. The part type can be a miscellaneous part or a dedicated HVAC part type if you specify properly the Part Subtype table.

Following the Preferences selection, it can be either a miscellaneous part or a dedicated HVAC part type according to the Part Subtype table content.

For more information, see Me > Preferences> 3D Modeling > Fluid Systems > HVAC 3D Design > FBDI/DBDI Preferences.

Part Geometry Data
Associated CATShapes - -
Part Attribute Data
HVAC system attributes HVAC system attributes Partially imported

Standard, Sub Part Type, Height, Width, Equivalent Diameter, Round Corner Radius, End Style, Diameter, Insulation Type, and Insulation Thickness import.

All other system attributes import using business rules.

User-defined attributes User-defined attributes Fully imported

Imported using business rules

Part Port Data
HVAC Part ConnectorsHVAC Part ConnectorsFully imported

Migrated to Ports and appropriate connector geometry creates and links. Connector geometry converts to an axis system. Its position, alignment, and orientation depend on the associated geometric elements.

Insulation Data
Insulation objectHVAC insulationFully Imported
MultiDiscipline Insulation Object on HVAC Part/Rigid Duct.HVAC insulationNew engineering connection of the type Rigid Connections create if the insulation is on the HVAC Part.
HVAC Route Data
  • Heavy Ducts
  • Light Ducts
  • Bendable Ducts
Rigid ductsPartially imported

Instances and references import. Instance application attributes do not import.

Flexible DuctsFlexible ductsPartially import.

Geometry imports. No technological attributes or connectivity information imports.

User Defined Attributes
User-defined attributesUser-defined attributesimported using business rules
Run, Path reservation, and Item Reservation Objects
Run objectsRigid route or 3D part with representation containing a solid with the V5 shapePartially or fully imported

The import of run objects depends on the chosen options in Me > Preferences:

  • Nothing: the run is not converted
  • Solid Rep: a product and a representation create, and the representation contains the solid geometry of the run.
  • Create Rigid Route: the run is converted into a rigid route with the same nodes and end connection.

Important: The import works only if the Full option has been select the Import Scenario area of the Select the file to Import dialog box. For more formation, see File-Based Design Import (FBDI) File Coexistence and Migration User's Guide: File-Based Design Import: FBDI in Interactive Mode: Running FBDI Interactively.
Path ReservationRigid route or 3D part with representation containing a solid with the V5 shapePartially or fully imported

The behavior is the same as Run objects

Item reservationRigid route or 3D part with representation containing a solid with the V5 shapePartially or fully imported

The behavior is the same as Run objects

V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE Data Import Table: Connections

The following table describes import correspondences between V5 file-based data and 3DEXPERIENCE content.

V5 Data Type3DEXPERIENCE Content TypeImport Result
Two HVAC part instances connected by fluidic connection and having 3 constraints 1 Fix and 2 Coincidence.Engineering connectionsNew engineering connection of type Rigid is created between the axis systems.
Note: To determine which is driving constraint and which is driven constraint the following order is used:
  1. Equipment
  2. Nozzle
  3. HVAC parts.
Duct connected to part through run.Contextual designRoute creates from the external reference of the axis system of the part at the junction.
Duct creates as branch from another duct.Contextual designDuct creates as branch duct that is, created through the external reference of the duct branch port.

V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE Data Import Table: Spools

The following table describes import correspondences between V5 file-based data and 3DEXPERIENCE content.

V5 Data Type3DEXPERIENCE Content TypeImport Result
Spool objectSpool productFully imported
Objects contained in the spool with a link.Objects import in compliance with their own import rules.Objects contained in the spool in Preliminary Mode. The object becomes a product and is an entered reference because the discipline is HVAC_spool.


Take the following considerations into account:

Importing in Replace Mode

The table below lists HVAC data that is updated when imported using FBDI in Replace mode.

Data Update Status
HVAC Parts Updated
Heavy Ducts

Straight Duct, Bendable Pipe

Light Ducts
Note: FBDI in Replace mode is not supported by HVAC Lines.

The table below lists Equipment and Hanger data that is updated/when imported using FBDI in Replace mode.

Data Update Status
Equipment Parts Updated
Hanger Parts
Important: You can import a V5 file into 3DEXPERIENCE by using File-based Design Import (FBDI). Now, if you import the same file again into 3DEXPERIENCE, this file replaces the previous. For more information, see File Coexistence and Migration User's Guide.
Modify Attribute Data
The table below shows the FBDI (in Replace mode) result when attributes on a V5 HVAC part are modified.
Part, Attribute, and Port data Result
System attributes Updated
Port geometry Points to axis system
Port attributes Updated
Unmapped system and user attributes Imported using business rules assigned to PLM Opening PLMEnsFBDIUserAttribute

If HVAC subtype names modify, the corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE subtype names update; but the discipline (for example HVAC_Part, HVAC_Rigid_Duct etc.) remains the same.

V5 Data Type

HVAC Type and Subtypes


Mapped Type and Subtypes

Import Result
Subclass of HVAC Part NLS name of the class Type

If you modify the geometry of an HVAC part in V5 and then import the part again into 3DEXPERIENCE, the latest V5 geometry gets imported.

If equipment/hanger and support type names modify, the corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE subtype names update, but the discipline remains the same.

Equipment/Hanger Support type and Subtypes Mapped Subtypes
Equipment NLS name of the class Type
Support Part NLS name of the class Type
Note: If V5 Equipment parts having HVAC part connectors, these migrate to 3DEXPERIENCE HVAC Ports.
Add, Remove, and Modify a Connector
The table below shows the FBDI (in Replace Mode) result when a connector is added, removed, or modified on a V5 HVAC part.
Part, Attribute, and Port data Result
System attributes Updated
Existing Port geometry Point to axis system
Port attributes Updated
New Connector Migrated to Port and appropriate connector geometry creates and links. Connector geometry points to the axis system.
Removed Connector Corresponding port removes.
If connector names modify, the corresponding 3DEXPERIENCE port names modify but the discipline (HVAC_Port) remains the same.