Creating Parametric Parts

You can create a part reference which geometry is different depending on the context of work. This kind of part reference is called parametric part. To create this parametric part, you need to link the geometrical parameters to the HVAC attributes from the reference or port, or to the customer parameters available in the Data Information panel.

Before you begin:
  • Create a part reference. For more information, see Creating Parts References.
  • The Data Setup must contain the tables that provide the list of values available for each attribute.
See Also
About Creating Parts References
  1. Activate the representation of the part.
  2. In the Data Information panel, select New Reference in the Instanciation Rule list.
  3. Create external parameters of piping and tubing attributes from reference or port that drive the geometry.
    For more information, see Knowledge Basics User's Guide: Creating and Working with Parameters: Creating Parameters: Creating an External Parameter.
  4. Create a set of parameters called DS_Customer_Parameter.
    For more information, see Knowledge Basics User's Guide: Creating and Working with Parameters: Creating Parameters: Creating a Set of Parameters.
  5. Create parameters inside the DS_Customer_Parameter set.
    If you use the parametric part in an assembly context, these parameters are displayed in the Data Information panel and you can modify them.
  6. Link the external parmaters and the customer parameters to the geometrical parameters.
    For more information, see Knowledge Basics User's Guide: Managing Relations: Formulas.
    Note: The number of external parameters and the customer parameters must be equal to the number of geometrical parameters.
  7. Create ports.
    For more information, see Creating Ports