To access the
B.I. Essentials list, from the
Tools section of the action bar, select
B.I. Essentials
The B.I. Essentials panel appears.
Select Weight Definition from the list.
- In the tree or in the work area, select a part for which you want to compute the weight.
A message appears, providing more information regarding the current weight definition status of the selected part.
Weight not computed.
- If the linear weight is specified, the weight is computed with this value and the length of the duct.
- If the linear weight is not specified, but a material is applied, then the volume of the duct is computed, and the density of the material is used to compute the weight.
- If neither the linear weight is specified nor a material is applied, then default value for steel material is used to compute the weight.
The part turns to light green, indicating that its weight computation is complete.
you have not set the value for linear weight, you can declare the weight using
Click this hyperlink to declare a weight on this element in the
information message. Once the weight of a part is declared, you can position its center of
gravity. To position the center of gravity you can either drag the Robot or right-click the Robot and select one of the available options. For more
information, see
Weight Analysis User's Guide: Defining and Computing Weight in a Design
Context: Declaring Weight.