Using the Weight Definition Command

You can compute the weight of the HVAC structure by launching the Weight Definition command.

Before you begin: Open the HVAC system.
See Also
Using the Weight Distribution Command
  1. To access the B.I. Essentials list, from the Tools section of the action bar, select B.I. Essentials .
    The B.I. Essentials panel appears.
  2. Select Weight Definition from the list.
    The system is displayed using a color code which helps identify the weight definition status of its various parts. For your reference, the color code itself is detailed under the Weight Definition item:
    • Declared: components for which the weight has been declared are displayed using the green color.
    • Computed: components for which the weight has been computed are displayed using the light green color.
    • Incomplete: components for which weight-related information is not complete are displayed using the orange color.
    • Missing: components for which inertia values are missing are displayed using the red color.
    • Context: displays the system as a whole using the white color.
  3. In the tree or in the work area, select a part for which you want to compute the weight.
    A message appears, providing more information regarding the current weight definition status of the selected part.
  4. Click Weight not computed.
    • If the linear weight is specified, the weight is computed with this value and the length of the duct.
    • If the linear weight is not specified, but a material is applied, then the volume of the duct is computed, and the density of the material is used to compute the weight.
    • If neither the linear weight is specified nor a material is applied, then default value for steel material is used to compute the weight.

The part turns to light green, indicating that its weight computation is complete.

Note: If you have not set the value for linear weight, you can declare the weight using Click this hyperlink to declare a weight on this element in the information message. Once the weight of a part is declared, you can position its center of gravity. To position the center of gravity you can either drag the Robot or right-click the Robot and select one of the available options. For more information, see Weight Analysis User's Guide: Defining and Computing Weight in a Design Context: Declaring Weight.