Producing a Mirror Image Using Mirror Analysis

You can create symmetry in your shapes by using the Mirror Analysis command.

Mirror Analysis produces a mirror image of your shapes in the XY, YZ, or ZX planes or any other plane you define.

You can create a mirror image of any valid element or analysis. If however you want to mirror all the elements and valid analyses under the root node part, consider using the Soft Mirror command instead.

Before you begin:
  1. From the View section of the action bar click Mirror Analysis.
    The Mirror Analysis dialog box appears.
  2. To select the elements and analyses to mirror, do one or a combination of the following:
    • In the work area, select the elements; Ctrl-click to multiselect.
    • In the tree, select the part node or individual elements under it; Ctrl-click to multiselect.
    • In the tree, select the geometrical set or individual elements under it; Ctrl-click to multiselect.
    • To select the elements of the pre-defined display lists:
      1. Right-click the Elements box and select Display Lists.

        The Display Lists Selection dialog box appears.

      2. In the Display Lists box, select the required list.
      3. Click OK.

        • Use the Active Display List context menu command to select the elements of the current active display list.
        • Use the Change Display List context menu command to replace the selected list.

    If you select the part node or the geometrical set, all valid elements under it are selected.

    The selected elements are listed in the Elements dialog box.
  3. Select the Symmetry Plane.

    Symmetry plane is the plane about which the mirror takes place. By default zx plane is selected. You can select or create a different plane for symmetry using the context menu options:

    • Create Plane
    • XY Plane
    • YZ Plane
    • ZX Plane
  4. Click Display plane .
    The mirror plane appears. Also the mirrored elements are displayed along with any analysis.

  5. Click Display mirror tags.
    The mirrored elements and their analysis are displayed in the predefined color defined in the Feedback color option in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Styling > FreeStyle Shape Design, General tab, Mirror analysis options section. By default, gray color is selected. The mirrored elements are displayed along with the analysis in the default feedback color.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Change the default color to brown in Me > Preferences.
  8. To update the graphical properties, right-click Mirror Analysis.X and select Mirror Analysis.X object > Update graphical properties.
    The mirrored elements are displayed in brown color.

    • If only a surface is selected and the mapping analysis applied on it is not selected, then only the surface is mirrored and not the mapping analysis.
    • If a mapping analysis is selected, then the analysis and the surface are both mirrored.
    • If a surface with rendering material is selected, the rendering material is mirrored only if the material is directly defined on the surface or the part. The surface is always mirrored.
    • You can update the graphical changes by right-clicking the mirrored part and selecting Update graphical properties.
    • The global FreeStyle Shape Design analyses are not supported as input for mirroring.