Ball Corner
The Ball Corner is the more traditional corner fillet required when three fillets converge.
The ball corner derives from three fillets of circular roundnesses created with the Advanced Fillet command. However, to adhere to manufacturing and legal requirements, frequently a minimum radius for the corner fillet is required.
The following images describe an example of a more manual approach to create a traditional Ball Corner scenario from three fillets having the same radius value of 10mm converging and intersecting at a single point.
The image below shows the three fillets having been trimmed to their intersection to demonstrate the point at which the Ball Corner fillet must be inserted.
One of the more traditional manual methods to generate a Ball Corner fillet is to trim back the supporting fillets to their intersection with adjacent fillets. Thus creating a hole in which to create the corner.
The final stage is to create the Ball Corner fillet using either alternative commands such as Surface Creation > Fill or Surface Creation > Patch from Curves or to start from a flat patch and by using control points and Matching create a result meeting Class A standards.