Flat Region Analysis Dialog Box

You must have access to the ICEM Shape Morphing app.

The Flat Region Analysis dialog box appears when you select Flat Region Analysis in the Analysis Section.

This dialog box contains controls for:

This page discusses:

See Also
About Flat Region Analysis


Selects elements for the flat region analysis.
Selects points for the subsequent deviation analysis (see How is the Subsequent Deviation Analysis Used?.


The analysis is based on triangulated data. That means that surfaces are converted into a facet model before they are checked.

Facet length
Defines the maximum length of the facets, regardless of the surface curvature.

Flat regions are identified precisely with this method, however, it requires more computing time. The smaller the value for the facet length, the more precise, but also slower is the computation.

Defines the maximum deviation of the facet model from the surface for a curvature dependent tessellation.

The surfaces are subdivided into smaller facets until the distance of the planer facets from the surfaces is smaller than this value. Through this, large facets are created on areas with a lower curvature, and smaller ones on surfaces with a stronger curvature. this method delivers a quick result, but in flat regions it may lead to results that are hard to interpret.


Type: Chord, Local
Defines the analysis method.

Two methods are available: the ruler/disk method (Chord) and the local method (Local). For a detailed description of both methods, see What are the Verification Methods used in the Flat Region Analysis?.

For performance reasons it is recommendable to start the computation with Local (default setting). This method delivers a considerably quicker result than Chord.
If all surfaces are marked in green, there are definitely no flat regions. If red areas are found, you should definitely use Chord afterwards in order to exclude saddle points and other uncritical areas. This method delivers a very precise result, but is considerably slower than Local. The subsequent deviation analysis (Selection of points via selection field Points) also runs faster with the setting Local (see also Proceeding of the Deviation Analysis.
Display: Both, Discs only
Defines the display mode for the analysis result: You may choose between display of surfaces and discs or discs only.
Length, Distance
Defines the length of the virtual ruler (chord) and minimum distance between ruler and geometry for Chord. These parameters define the minimum curvature.

See Flat Region Check in Practice and Ruler/Disk Method (Chord).

Defines the minimum curvature radius for Local.

See Definition of Flatness and Local Method (Local).

Rotation Angle
Defines which type of flatness shall be found. The system checks within the sector defined by the rotation angle whether the minimum curvature is kept.

For a detailed description of the rotation angle definition including illustrative figures, see Which Importance Has the Rotation Angle?

The angle of rotation can also be specified directly in the text box. The following table shows how the rotation angle should be set in order to find the different types of flatness:

Flatness Type Slider Position Rotation Angle Related Figure
Flat regions in one directionAt the very left1degFlatness in one direction (Rotation Angle = 1deg)
Flat regions in a sector of directionsBetween left and right endBetween 1deg and 180degFlatness in a sector of directions (Rotation Angle between 1deg and 180deg)
Perfectly flat regionsAt the very right180degFlatness in all directions (Rotation Angle = 180deg)

More Info

Displays deviations.

Displays values in the work area.
Apply Modes
Defines the update mode of the active feature while editing it.
Feature update occurs dynamically when moving handles or editing parameter values by sliders in the dialog box.
This option is not available for each command.
Feature update occurs only after releasing the handle.
Displays a preview when geometry is modified by means of the handle and LMB pressed. The original geometry remains unchanged. Feature update occurs only after releasing the LMB.
This option is not available for each command.
Feature update occurs only after selecting Apply.
Deviation: Max. Distance
Displays the maximum deviation of the calculated result.