Controls the transition quality between blend and adjacent
surfaces for the two connecting edges.
These options are only available if
Support is selected
Controls the distribution of the control points of the blend
For the modes
Edges start/end,
All edges and
Auto, the start and end tangents can be
modified via the manipulator. When using these options, the inner cross
tangents are propagated.
As the direction of the cross tangents is fixed when using
Standard and
Linear, the start and end tangents cannot
be modified.
Connects corresponding points on all blend edges at
Side 1 and
Side 2 via a line. The direction of
this line is projected onto the tangent plane at the specific position of the
edge. This projected direction is used as a U tangent of the blend surface at
the specific edge point.
Continues existing cross edges of the support at
Side 1 and/or
Side 2 . The direction of the cross
tangents within the specific edge will be spread over the whole edge (with
respect to isolines).
Alignment: Edges start/end – distribution of
All edges
Continues all edges of the support crossing the blend edge.
The cross tangent directions will be propagated over the edge (with respect to
isolines) until a segment border is reached.
Aligns the beginning and end cross tangents at the edges of the
blend and adjacent surfaces.
Edge continuity can be defined for
Edges start/end and
Start and end continuity Cleared: The beginning and/or end
cross tangents will be aligned coplanar only, i. e. there may be an angle
between the cross tangents of the blend and adjacent surfaces.
Start or end continuity Selected: The beginning or end cross
tangent of the blend surface will be aligned collinear to the beginning or end
cross tangent of the adjacent surfaces.
Start and end continuity Selected: All cross tangents of the
blend surface will be aligned collinear to the cross tangents of the adjacent
Trim Type
Trims the underlying support surfaces at the connecting edges of the
created blend surface.