About Selection Sets in Selector Panels

With selector panel-based commands, you can arrange inputs to select a specific case or assign the selection to the set required for that case.

See Also
Working with Selection Sets in Selector Panels
Working with Selector Panels

In the selector panel, selection set options with a colored arrow and named with the required input object type represent the selection sets.

The panel assigns the selected input objects to an input type and a selection set to detect the subcommand compatible to the selection. You can assign the selected objects automatically or user-defined with the selection set options in the selector panels.

The arrows on the selection set options have the same highlight color as the selected objects. You can change the colors with the Highlight Color options in the Class A Design Options panel.

Select the Selection Sets Guided option in Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Styling > ICEM Design Experience > General to deactivate the automatic assignment.