Human Design

Human Design provides a set of tools to quickly create and edit a human model.

You can then use your human model for different purposes such as showcase products, provide a modeling reference, support customized modeling.

For example, you can do the following:

  • Use your human as a model for clothing display.
  • Place your human in a specific environment to provide a reference scale.
  • Determine how your human interacts with a product.

See Also
What's New
Human Design Basics
In Other Guides
Getting Started

Human Design provides the following key capabilities:

  • Change the body and face shapes
  • Edit the body proportions
  • Change clothes, accessories and makeup
  • Edit and apply postures (sit, stand, walk…)
  • Apply material to the human model

Once your human is designed, you can use it in another app. For example, you can add the human instance under a physical product in the tree. Then you can move your human using the Robot.