Sketching a Curve

You can create a styling curve by sketching it.

  1. From the Shape Sculpt section of the action bar, click Sketch Curve .

    You can also access this command by pressing ALT+SHIFT+S.

  2. From the Tools Palette, click one of the following:
    Sketch Creates a curve lying on the current view plane.
    Plane Selection Creates a curve lying on a selected plane.
    On surface Creates a curve lying on a surface.

    See Sketching a Curve on a Surface.

    Characteristics Defines the curve characteristics.

    See Defining the Curve Characteristics.

  3. Sketch a curve using the pointer.

    A curve is previewed in the work area.

    Tip: As soon as you release the pointer, the curve is created and smoothed.

    The Tools Palette shows new options to manipulate the curve.

    Note: For more information about the other commands available in the Tools Palette, see Modifying and Deforming Curves. For more information about the commands available when clicking Transformations , see Accessing Transformation Commands.