Extruding Faces

You can extrude faces.

This task shows you how to:

Extrude Faces

You can define the extrusion mode.

  1. From the Shape Sculpt section of the action bar, click Extrusion .
    Tip: You can also access this command by pressing ALT+SHIFT+X.
  2. Select the subdivision surface.
  3. From the Tools Palette, click Face Extrusion .

    Three extrusion modes are available:

Create a Combined Extrusion

You can extrude faces and perform merge and join operations.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface.
  1. From the Tools Palette, click Combined Extrusion .
  2. Click the subdivision surface to add a face.
    An extrusion made of five faces is created. The extrusion direction is normal to the selected face.

Extrude Faces Using Multi-Selection

You can extrude faces by selecting several faces.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface with several faces.
  1. Press Ctrl to select several faces.
  2. Click the subdivision surface to add as many faces as you wish.

    Tip: As an alternative, you can also press Shift and draw a trap to extrude several faces.

Fill Faces

You can use the Extrude command to fill several faces.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface with several faces.
Press Ctrl and select the four connected faces.
The hole is filled.

Tip: As an alternative, you can also press Shift and draw a trap to fill the hole.

Combine an Extrusion

You can use the Extrude command to combine an extrusion.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface with several faces.
Press Ctrl and select the two connected faces.
The two connected faces are combined.

Join Two Faces

You can use the Extrude command to join two unconnected face-to-face faces.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface with several faces.
Press Ctrl and select the two faces to connect.

Make sure faces are face-to-face.

Tip: As an alternative, you can also press Shift and draw a trap to fill the hole.

Create a Hole Inside a Closed Surface

You can use the Extrude command to create a hole inside a closed surface.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface with several faces.
Press Ctrl and select a face on each side of the surface.

Make sure faces are face-to-face.

Create a Pure Extrusion

You can extrude faces and modify the length of extrusion.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing a subdivision surface.
  1. From the Tools Palette, click Pure Extrusion .
    A graphic manipulator appears.
  2. Click the subdivision surface to add a face.

  3. Optional: Move the manipulator to modify the extrusion length.

Create a Total Extrusion

This mode lets you extrude all the faces of an open surface and keep the input faces. It also lets you modify the length of extrusion.

Before you begin: Create an open surface.
  1. From the Tools Palette, click Total Extrusion .
    An icon to manage the attraction appears in the Tools Palette. A slider and a graphic manipulator also appear.
  2. Click the subdivision surface to add a face.
    Tip: You do not need to select a face as all faces are automatically selected.

  3. Optional: Click Sharp Attraction . This icon has two states:
    • Sharp Attraction: Defines sharp attributes of the selected edge (value indicated with a minus sign) that are discontinuous in tangency and curvature.
    • Smooth Attraction: Defines smooth attributes of the selected edge that are continuous in tangency and curvature.
  4. Optional: Drag and move the pointer to add weight to the extrusion.

  5. Move the manipulator to modify the extrusion length.

Invert the Direction of the Extrusion

You can invert the extrusion side.

From the Tools Palette, click Invert Extrusion .
Before the inversion

After the inversion