Creating Profile Insulation

You can insulate different profiles by specifying a contour and a curve to be followed by the insulation material.

See Also
Creating Contours for Profile Insulation
  1. From the Generic Insulation section of the action bar, click Profile Insulation .

    Tip: You can also create a profile insulation product as follows:
    1. Right-click the root product and select Insert > Extended Product.
    2. Under the Insulation category, click Profile Insulation.

  2. In the Profile Insulation panel, select the type and enter the title of the insulation object.

    You can keep the default title derived from the selected type.

  3. Select any of the following types of contour:
    Single contour Lets you select a single contour and enter the thickness.
    Double contour Lets you select inner and outer contours. The Thickness box becomes unavailable.
  4. Under Support, select the reference curve for the insulation to follow.

    In case of a structure stiffener, you can select its delimited trace by selecting the stiffener in the 3D area or the tree. You can also select the stiffener set node in the tree to select delimited traces of all stiffeners available in the set.

    You can click ... to manage multiselection.
  5. Under Contour Definition, select the contours.

    • The contour is positioned by matching the anchor point of the contour with the starting point of the curve.
    • For the Double contour type, the anchor points of both contours must have the same coordinates.

  6. Optional: Modify the insulation limits using the handles.

  7. Under Material & Thickness, select the material and the thickness for the insulation.
  8. Click OK.
    The insulation is created.

Tip: To edit the insulation, select it and click Profile Insulation from the action bar.