Creating Contours for Profile Insulation

This task shows you how to create contours for generic profile insulation.

See Also
Creating Profile Insulation
  1. Open the Generative Shape Design app.
  2. Select a plane perpendicular to the profile.
  3. On the context toolbar, click Sketcher .

  4. Create closed geometries for inner and outer contours.

    Tip: For the inner contour, you can project the edges of the profile section.

  5. Define anchor points.

    The anchor point is a construction point, which is considered as reference to place the contour. The contour is positioned by matching the anchor point of the contour with the starting point of the reference curve.

    1. Create a point on the contour and convert it to the construction element.

    2. Rename the point to AnchorPoint.
    Important: For double contours, the anchor points of both contours must have the same coordinates.