Setting Preferences

You can set preferences that are specific to Inventor. The Preferences are the server side preferences. If any changes are made in the Preferences, you must re-login to ENOVIA from Integration Exchange Client or the CAD tool to start a new session of X-CAD Design Management engine for the modified preferences to be effective.

This task shows you how to:

  1. From the top bar, select > X-CAD Design > Preferences.
    The Preferences page appears.
  2. Select the Inventor tab.
  3. In the Checkin area, set the following preferences:

    Check in PreferencesDescription
    Delete Local FilesSelect this check box to enable the Delete Selected Local Files check box in the ENOVIA Save Options dialog box.
    Retain LockSelect this check box to enable the Retain Lock check box in the ENOVIA Save Options dialog box.
    Copy Relationship AttributesSelect this check box to copy the relationship attributes and to expose the 3D position of the assembly upon check in. The positional matrix of the assembly is retrieved and stored on CADSubComponent relationship.
    Create VersionSelect this check box to enable the Create Version check box in the ENOVIA Save Options dialog box.
    Apply to ChildrenThis option is not applicable to Connector for Inventor.
    Use Bulk LoadingSelect this check box to use bulk loading for check in by default.
    Show Object Details Page After CheckinSelect this check box to open the object details page of the design after it is checked in.
    Background CheckinSelect this check box to enable the Background Checkin check box in the Checkin page.
    Delete Files BehaviorDelete Selected Local Files: Select to delete only the local files of the designs selected in the ENOVIA Save dialog box.
    Delete All Local Files: Select to delete the local files of all the designs displayed in the ENOVIA Save dialog box.
    BackgroundCheckinDirectoryClick [...] and select a directory in your computer. The design checked in using background check in is stored in this directory.
    PreCheckin Evaluation Select to enable evaluation before the check in process.
    Auto Generation for Manual Derived OutputSelect to automatically generate derived outputs for formats selected for manual derived output generation.
    Note: Selecting the check boxes enables the check box in the ENOVIA Save Options dialog box by default.
  4. In the Checkout area, set the following preferences:
    Checkout PreferencesDescription
    Lock ObjectsSelect this check box to lock the designs once the designs are opened from ENOVIA.
    Local CheckoutSelect this check box to download the design files to your computer when opened from ENOVIA.
    Select First Level ChildrenSelect this check box to select the first level of child nodes of a selected parent node in the ENOVIA Open dialog box.
    Select Required ChildrenSelect this check box to select the required child nodes when a parent node is selected in the ENOVIA Open dialog box.
    Apply View to Children OnlySelect this check box to apply the selected lateral views such as LatestVersion, ASStored to only the child nodes of the selected parent node in the ENOVIA Open dialog box.
    Copy Relationship AttributesSelect this check box to copy the relationship attributes when a design is opened from ENOVIA.
    Warn for File OverwriteSelect this check box to enable a warning message if any existing files will be overwritten when the selected designs are opened from ENOVIA.
    Default Checkout DirectoryClick [...] to browse and select a directory as the default location to download the designs when the designs are opened from ENOVIA. This location is displayed in the Checkout To field in the ENOVIA Open dialog box.
    Pre Checkout EvaluationThis option is not applicable for Connector for Inventor.
  5. In the Miscellaneous area, set the following preferences:

    Miscellaneous PreferencesDescription
    Select Children if parent is selectedSelect this option to select the child components by default when a parent node is selected.
    Use Zip in File OperationsSelect this option to enable zip compression for file transactions in ENOVIA.
    Progressive LoadingSelect this option to enable progressive loading.
    Allow Promote Floating DrawingSelect to promote the structure that has a drawing that is out of sync.

    If the option is not selected, you cannot promote a structure with a drawing that is out of sync.

    If the drawing is out of sync, a message appears indicating that the structure has been modified and promoting may change the design. To promote, check out the structure with the latest iteration to get latest structure in the CAD tool.

    Default Expand LevelEnter a number to set the number of levels of expansion of design structures by default.
    Default FolderClick [...] to open the Choose Workspace page. Select a workspace and click OK to set it as the default workspace folder.
    Related View registryYou can select your choice of related views registry here. Views in the particular related view registry appears here
    Related DocumentsSelect a view from the list to set the default vertical view as RelatedDrawing or None. Select None to avoid applying a view by default. This view is selected by default in the Related Drawing field in the ENOVIA Options dialog box.
    Document VersionSelect a view from the list. This view is selected by default in the Design Configuration field in the ENOVIA Options dialog box.
    Object Attribute Transfer for EBOMThis is used for selective object attribute transfers from CAD Model to Part. See Set Object Attribute Transfer for EBOM.
    Relationship Attribute Transfer for EBOMThis is used for selective relationship attribute transfers from CAD Model to Part. See Set Relationship Attribute Transfer for EBOM.
  6. In the Derived Output area, select the check boxes for the required derived output types listed under the Automatic or Manual columns.

    Note: All derived output types supported by Connector for Inventor are listed.

    The selected types are selected by default in the ENOVIA Derived Output Options dialog box. See Collaborative Design for Inventor User's Guide : Saving Designs in ENOVIA : Setting Derived Outputs section for more details.

  7. In the Default Type Policy Settings area, select the policy set for the CAD type by the administrator in the Default Type Policy Settings. The administrator can enforce or default a policy for a particular type.

  8. In the Selected Default Tables area, set the default table to be applied to the list of X-CAD Design Management pages.

  9. In the Selected Default Webforms area, select the default webform to be applied to the Open and Properties page of X-CAD Design Management from the drop down list.

  10. Click Update to apply the selected preference settings.

Set Object Attribute Transfer for EBOM

This section shows the steps to set the attribute transfers for EBOM.

  1. In the Miscellaneous area of the Preferences page , click Click Here for Object Attribute Transfer for EBOM.
    The Attribute Transfer page appears.

  2. Enter the following in the Attribute Transfer dialog box:
    Field NameDescription
    From TypeEnter a valid integration type. For example, INV Part.
    From AttributeEnter a valid ENOVIA attribute. For example, Design Purchase.
    To TypeClick Search to search and select an Engineering part type. For example, Part.
    To AttributeEnter the name of the attribute of the engineering part. For example, Design Purchase.
  3. Click Add Column to add the mapping. For example, INV Part|Design Purchase|Part|Design Purchase.
  4. Click Done.

Set Relationship Attribute Transfer for EBOM

This selection shows you how to set selective relationship attribute transfers from CAD Model to Part during EBOM.

  1. In the Miscellaneous area of the Preferences page , click Click Here for Relationship Attribute Transfer for EBOM.
    The Attribute Transfer page appears.

  2. Enter the following in the Attribute Transfer dialog box:
    Field NameDescription
    From TypeEnter a valid integration type. .
    From AttributeEnter a valid ENOVIA attribute. For example, Design Purchase.
    To TypeClick Search to search and select an Engineering part type. For example, Part.
    To AttributeEnter the name of the attribute of the engineering part. For example, Design Purchase.
  3. Click Add Column to add the specified mapping. If the mapping is invalid, an error message is displayed.
  4. Click Done.