Opening Designs From 3DEXPERIENCE platform in Inventor

You can open designs from 3DEXPERIENCE platform in Inventor. The selected designs are downloaded to your checkout directory and the design opens in the Inventor application.

If you have modified a structure in WEB app, a correct structure with the modifications made in the web app are maintained and represented in the Inventor application.

Before you begin: The designs must already be saved in 3DEXPERIENCE platform. For more information, see Saving Designs to 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
  1. In the Inventor toolbar, select 3DEXPERIENCE > Open.
    The 3DEXPERIENCE Open dialog box appears.
  2. Search for the designs in the 3DEXPERIENCE Open dialog box. For more information, see Searching Designs in 3DEXPERIENCE.
    The results of the search is listed. Select a design from the list to view the preview image of the design which is displayed in the left corner of 3DEXPERIENCE Open dialog box. For information on the columns and the right-click options available in the 3DEXPERIENCE Open dialog box, see 3DEXPERIENCE Open Dialog Box.
    Note: Shared structures are not expanded for each occurrence on the search list of 3DEXPERIENCE Open dialog box.

    For more information, see About Iterations and Revisions.

  3. In Checkout To, click [...] to browse and select another directory as the checkout directory.

    3DEXPERIENCE Open command now includes and processes all the instances under an iAssembly. This will avoid the downloading of an incomplete structure and resolve further link issues.

    The designs opened from 3DEXPERIENCE are downloaded to this directory. By default, the directory specified in the Checkout preferences by the Integration Administrator is displayed.
  4. Select a table from the View list.
    The tables are defined by the Integration Administrator.
  5. Select the designs and click Open.

    The selected designs are opened in Inventor and also downloaded to the location specified in the Checkout To field.