About Motor

The motor represents the external source of power to animate a mechanism's command.

Three types of profiles are available to specify a motor:

This page discusses:

See Also
Attaching a Motor to a Mechanism's Command

The motor is attached to a mechanism's command, which defines the motor type.

  • The motor can be either linear (for translation-based commands), or angular (for rotation-based commands).
  • The motor specifies either a relative displacement or a velocity.
  • The maximum force for linear-type motors, or the maximum torque for angular-type motors can be specified. This value is taken into account by the dynamic solver.
  • The motor respects the command's limits defined in the constraint in controlled mode.

You can attach a motor to each command of the mechanism.

Note: During a dynamic simulation using the DASSL integrator, if a motor drives the command of a mechanism along a given direction and if a contact opposing this direction is detected between this product and another, the contact is not taken into consideration.

In this case, the maximum force or torque values are ignored by the integrator.