Diagnosing Computation Incidents

To understand the kinematics computation messages and review your mechanism accordingly, you can display a computation report using Incident Diagnosis .

You can access the computation report when an incident or a warning is detected by the kinematics solver when previewing a kinematics scenario or reviewing the results of a kinematics scenario using the Simulate and Generate Results function.

Before you begin: A kinematics scenario computation, a preview, or a mechanism animation must have been launched.
See Also
About Incidents and Warnings
  1. To access the computation report, do one of the following:
    • If you executed a kinematics simulation, from the Scenario section of the action bar, click Incident Diagnosis or double-click the diagnosis directly in the tree.

      The Incident Diagnosis dialog box appears.

    • If you preview a kinematics scenario, animate a mechanism, or record an excitation, click .

      The Messages Reporting dialog box appears.

    If an incident or a warning is detected, detailed messages describe the cause of the incidents or warnings. The computation report also appears in the tree under the result of scenario and is stored with the simulation when you propagate the kinematics scenario.
  2. Select a line in the Messages Reporting dialog box to access the details of the incident or warning and display its description.
  3. Click Close.