Section Probe
Sectioning dialog box, the section cut plane, and a
context toolbar appear.
For more information, see Design Review User's Guide: Creating a
Specify the section's name.
Left-click and move the section cut to adjust it.
You can reposition the section using the Manipulator,
the Robot, or the context toolbar.
For more
information, see
Design Review User's Guide: Creating a
On the context toolbar, click
Activate/Deactivate Secondary Viewer
Activate/Deactivate Secondary Viewer
to close the panel.
The probe appears in the
tree, under the Probes category.
By default, the section probe is included in the current scenario. A plane representation appears under each
section probe of the current scenario. The section views are calculated and displayed
during the computation or preview of a scenario. For more information, see Computing and Generating Results and Running the Preview.