Creating a Kinematics Scenario

A kinematics scenario allows you to create a simulation by selecting law excitations. The scenario also sets the time parameters for the simulation.

Before you begin: Open a kinematics simulation referencing a mechanism in the Mechanical Systems Experience app. app.
See Also
Accessing the Mechanical Systems Experience App
Creating a Kinematics Scenario with Flexible Objects
  1. From the Scenario section of the action bar, click Kinematics Scenario .

    Note: To create a kinematics scenario by recording an excitation, click Kinematics Excitation Recorder in the action bar instead.

    The content of the Kinematics Scenario dialog box depends on the scenario you created.

    If the product being simulated contains a single mechanism representation, that mechanism is selected by default.

  2. If the product contains multiple mechanism representations, select the mechanism that you are simulating in the Mechanism field.

    Only one mechanism can be simulated in a kinematics scenario.

  3. Indicate the name of the kinematics scenario to create in the Name field.
  4. In the Excitations and Probes tabs, select the law excitations and probes used to drive the simulation:
    1. Highlight a law excitation/probe in the Available column and click the right arrow to include it in the simulation.
    2. Optional: Highlight a law excitation/probe in the Referenced column and click the left arrow to remove it from the simulation.

    Note: You can include multiple law excitations or probes in a simulation as long as they do not drive related or linked commands in the mechanism. Only excitations and probes previously defined in the Mechanical Systems Experience app are listed in the dialog box.

    See Creating a Position Law Excitation for more information on excitations, or Defining Measure Probes and Defining Interference Probes for more information on probes.

  5. In the Parameters tab, enter the time limits for the simulation.

    If the product being simulated contains only a single mechanism representation, that mechanism is selected by default.

    The configuration of the mechanism will be calculated at regular intervals (as determined by the Time step) between the Start time and the End time.

  6. Optional: Click Preview to launch a kinematics simulation based on the selected excitations, probes and parameters.

    To exit the simulation and open the Kinematics Scenario dialog box again, press Esc.

  7. Click OK.
    A kinematics scenario is created in the tree.

    Note: If you use Kinematics Excitation Recorder, both the Excitation Recorder dialog box and the Simulation Player appear to record an excitation.

    See Recording an Excitation.