Adding a Configurable Parameter

You can define a parameter with a list of values that can be extended by the administrator in Quality Rules Configuration.

Note: For more information about object parameters, see Working with Object Parameters.

Before you begin: You must have created a check.
See Also
Adding a Simple Parameter
Adding a Configurable Parameter
  1. Double-click the check in the tree and click the Parameters tab in the Check Editor.
  2. Click Add Parameter and define your parameter:
  3. Enter the parameter title in the Parameter tab, click the Select Parameter Type tab and select a parameter type from the list.
  4. Define your parameter.
    1. Enter the parameter title in the Parameter tab, click the Select Parameter Type tab and select a parameter type from the list.
    2. Click the Type cell and select the parameter type from the list.
    3. Enter its value in the Value box.
    4. Select Add multiple values ,enter the value and click Add value after entering each value.
    The configurable parameter is created.

  • To edit a parameter, double-click it in the Check Editor or in the tree.
  • To delete a parameter, select it in the Check Editor and click Delete parameter, or right-click it in the tree and select Delete.