About Design Tables

A design table provides you with a means to create and manage component families. These components can be for example mechanical parts differing in their parameter values.

This page discusses:

See Also
Generating a File From a Design Table

A design table:

  • Is a tool mainly intended to ease the definition of mechanical parts. It is provided to all users. A design table can be created from a document, the document data is then exported to the design table. It can also be applied to a document, the document data is then imported from the design table.
  • Is designed to drive the parameters of a document from external values. These values are stored in the form of a table either in a Microsoft Excel file on Windows or in a tabulated text file. When using a design table, the trick is to associate the right document parameters with the right table parameters. The design table columns may not all correspond to your document parameters and you may decide to apply only part of the design table values to your document. By creating associations, you declare what document parameters you want to link with what table columns.
  • Becomes a more powerful tool when it is used with Enterprise Knowledge Language (EKL). You are provided with functions to read the design table parameters. These design table functions can be used when programming your checks and rules in Engineering Rules Capture. Using these functions spares you all the association operations.