Relations Located in Representations
Relations updates occur in Synchronous or in Update relation at global update command modes when relations are located in representations.
- For a given relation, it is possible to determine that it only executes in Synchronous mode by right-clicking the relation and selecting the Edit > Properties command. Its evaluation can then be launched manually. The Synchronous mode enables you to create synchronous relations, that is to say relations that will be immediately updated if one of their parameters is modified. Relations based on parameters are the only ones that can be synchronous.
- For a given relation, it is also possible to decide that its
evaluation will be launched when the part is updated (Update
relation at global update command). The relations can be
asynchronous for two reasons:
- You want the relation to be asynchronous
- The relation contains geometry.
- It is possible to change the update mode of a relation after it is created. To do so, right-click the relation in the tree and select Properties and select the Synchronous or Update relation at global update check box.