Launching a Profile on a Model Using a Batch

After creating your profile in Quality Rules Configuration, you can run it on your model using the QccBatchReport batch which runs profiles and generates reports for a check.

Before you begin:
  • You must have created a model.
  • You must have created a profile.
See Also
Launching a Profile on a Model
Opening the Assessment Result
  1. From the Tools section, select Utility .
    The Batch Monitor appears to let you select the batch you need.
  2. Double-click QccBatchReport.
    The QccBatchReport dialog box appears.
  3. Click Object Search, to select the model on which you want to run the batch.
    The Object Search dialog box appears.
  4. Select your search criteria from the category lists, and click OK.
    The QCCBatchReport dialog box displays your selection.
  5. Click Add profile.
    The Select profile dialog box appears.
  6. Enter the profile name and click Search, then from the list, select the profile you want to run on the model, and click OK.
  7. Click Save then Run to run the batch.
    The batch is launched.