Creating a Document Sheet

For a generic document, you can add as many Document Sheets to that document as required.

Required access roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Librarian

Before you begin: View the Document Sheets category for a document. See Document Sheets List.
  1. From the page Actions menu or toolbar, select Actions > Create New > Document Sheet.
  2. Enter values in these fields:

    Field Name Description
    Name Name for the document sheet. Names are case-sensitive and spaces are allowed. Name lengths can be a maximum of 127 characters. Leading and trailing spaces are ignored. To have the system generate the name, click the Autoname check box.
    Title Title for the document sheet.
    Description Brief description of the document sheet.
    Created On Defaults to today's date. If you need to change this date, click and select another date.
    Policy From the list, select the name of the policy to define the lifecycle for this document sheet.
    Owner If you want to change the owner of the document sheet from your name, start entering the new owner name, or click to search for the person and select a name.
    Add to Folders If you want to include this document sheet in any folders, start entering the folder name or click to select a folder.
    Checkin Reason A short statement about the files to be checked in.
    Designated User Enter the name or role or other description of those who will use the document sheet.
    Language From the list, select the Language the files being checked into the document sheet are written in.
    Sheet Number Enter an integer value to indicate which the sequence number for this document sheet.
    Note: You cannot choose vaults. Administrator decides the vault for creating objects and searching objects.

  3. Click Done.