- Ensure that you:
- Import your space requirements into Buildings Space Planning.
- Create a mass with the necessary stories to meet the needs of your space requirements.
- Activate the story where you want to locate the spaces.
Activating the story is unnecessary, if your space program includes the story where you want to locate each space; Buildings Space Planning automatically selects the appropriate story.
From the Building section of the action bar, click Space Browser
From the Space Browser, from the Spaces
tab, click a space.
The space displays with the RGB color selection used in your space requirements.
- To limit the display to only spaces in the active story, select the Active Story check box.
the displayed space into the building.
To align the space, for example, with the interior wall of the building: - Move the space alongside the alignment wall or space.
- Hover the pointer over the space you are aligning, and press Tab.
- Click the space into location.
To change the space height:
Double-click the space.
Drag the space handle to the desired height or enter a new space height in the value box.
To remove the walls from the space:
- Double-click the space.
- From the dialog box, click Remove Walls
.Remove Walls is a toggle. To add the walls back into the space, click the toggle again. - Click
- To move or rotate a space:
- Click the space.
- Use the Robot to manipulate the space.
You can also drag and drop the space to another location on the same story as well as move or copy it to another story.