Creating a Revision from an Existing Object

You can create a new revision of a structure integrating changes from another structure, that can be one of its revisions, duplicates, or branches.

The New Revision From command allows you to also revise the children of the selected object.

With the New Revision From command, you can use the following objects to create the new revision:

  • Any revision of the selected object, in any branch of the revision family
  • Any revision of any duplicate of the selected object

Note: The enterprise item number, if any, is copied from the latest revision in the source branch, independently from the selected revision. For more information, see Engineering Release User's Guide: Managing Engineering Items: Specifying Enterprise Item Numbers for Engineering Items.

Required access roles: Author, Leader. For more information, see Collaborative Lifecycle for Dashboard Access to Content.

This task shows you how to:

See Also
About Revisions, Branches, and Duplicates

Context: The following diagram shows examples of revisions created from existing objects:

A new revision of P1 D (selected revision) is created in the P1 branch, using the content of P3 B. Therefore, P1 and P3 branches are merged.