Comparing DMR Structures

You can compare the plant-specific DMR structures of two parts or the structures of two revisions of a resolved item. The DMR Structures of the resolved item revisions must be resolved items of the same CO as that of the selected resolved item but can be associated with different CAs.

Before you begin: To compare the DMR structures of two parts, open the DMR for one of the parts or a DMR that contains the part. To compare resolved items, view the Resolved Items tab in either a CO or CA. See DMR Page.
  1. Select the part in the DMR or in the resolved items list.
  2. From the page toolbar, click the Compare DMR icon.
  3. For each of the parts or proposed changes to compare, complete the information in the Compare Criteria page tab. See Defining a Structure Compare Report (PowerView) for descriptions on the fields in this tab.