You can create a new revision of a structure integrating changes
from another structure, that can be one of its revisions, duplicates, or
The New Revision From command allows
you to also revise the children of the selected object.
With the New Revision From command,
you can use the following objects to create the new revision:
Any revision of the selected object, in any branch of the revision
Any revision of any duplicate of the selected object
In this page, the revised structure is referred to as the reference structure. The
structure providing the changes is referred to as the source structure.
For a successful execution of the New Revision
from... command:
The selected revision and the latest revision must be in a revisable state.
The Allow new revision from any revision option is
The reference structure must not contain different branches of the same
reference, or different revisions of the same reference, or references
belonging to the same component family.
The modified structure must not contain different branches of the same
reference, or different revisions of the same reference, or references
belonging to the same component family.
Objects in the reference structure and objects in the modified structure
must have the same type.
The enterprise item number, if any, is copied from the source object. For more
information, see Engineering Release Management: Managing Engineering Items:
Specifying Enterprise Item Numbers for Engineering Items.
Context: The following diagram shows examples of
revisions created from existing objects:
new revision of P1 D (selected revision) is created in the P1 branch, using the
content of P3 B. Therefore, P1 and P3 branches are merged.
Select the root node of the source structure.
From the Compass, click Collaborative
From the Lifecycle section of the action bar, click New Revision
The Summary and Options dialog box appears.
Select the root node of the reference structure you want to revise.
The number of revised items and new items are listed in the
Summary section. A B.I.
Essentials section also appears, showing the status of
each element of the source structure:
To modify the duplication status for the selected objects, in the tree or in
the 3D area, select an object and select the required
When a node is selected, all the occurrences of the corresponding
reference are taken into account for revising.
Aggregated content (unshared representations, instances, ports, and connections)
under selected references is also taken into account.
To modify the name of branches created with the To be inserted as
new option, enter a prefix string in the
Options section.
The default usage of this string is defined in the
Business Logic. For more information about the user-defined duplication string
option, see Identification.
To create the new revision, in the Options section,
click OK.
Depending on the type of the initial tab, the new revision appears in a new navigation or a new authoring tab. No further save action is required. The revised objects include the changes
from the source structure.
The structure under the new revision of the root is identical
to the structure of the source structure. It replaces the
structure of the original revision completely.
The attributes of the new revision, including its title, are
copied from the source structure. You can modify them
Creating a revision from an existing object is not a configured
operation. Therefore, the variability space and effectivities
are inherited from the source structure.