Collaborative Lifecycle Access to Content

The 3DEXPERIENCE platform is a collaborative environment for managing your business processes based on defined responsibilities and content lifecycles that provide secure access to content.

This page discusses:

Access Roles

Collaborative Lifecycle uses the 3DEXPERIENCE platform 3DSpace baseline access roles that your business administrator assigns to you. The table below describes the level of access for each role for design tasks.

Access Role Description
Reader Can:
  • Share object
  • Change the owner of objects (*)
  • Move objects to other collaborative spaces or organizations (*)
  • Lock and unlock objects
  • Switch to Edition mode
  • Switch to Read-only mode
Contributor Can:
  • Save content as new or as a new revision
  • Create branches
  • Duplicate content (**)
Author, Leader Can:
  • Manage iterations
  • Create revisions from existing content

The table below describes the level of access for each role for administrative tasks:

Access Role Description
Owner Can:
  • Share object
  • Change the owner of objects (*)
  • Move objects to other collaborative spaces or organizations (*)
  • Lock and unlock objects
  • Switch to Edition mode
  • Switch to Read-only mode
  • Save content
  • Save content as new or as a new revision
  • Duplicate content (**)
  • Manage iterations

(*) Changing the owner and moving content to another organization or Collaborative Space is only allowed under certain conditions.

(**) The Duplicate as Branch option of the Duplicate Advanced command requires the same access rights as the New Branch command.

The access roles provide hierarchical access. For the baseline access roles, Leader includes all access that an Author has (who has all access that a Reader has) plus additional specific accesses. In the above tables, an access role has all the accesses of the roles that appear above it.

Your business administrator can configure rules that change the default access behavior.

On premises only: Your business administrator can change the default responsibilities that control your access to commands, content, and collaborative spaces. Companies can also implement additional customized responsibilities.

This guide describes the default behavior when describing access to content or commands.

For more information, see Configuring Lifecycle and Collaboration Commands.

Note: The default access roles to commands may be different depending on your initial installation. Please contact your administrator. This guide reflects the default access roles for an initial installation on the level of this release.

Your access to content or commands is determined by more than your responsibility. The current collaborative space, your organization, the current lifecycle state of the content, the app you are using, and other customizations all affect whether you can access content or commands. You might have access to some content or commands only under certain conditions.

For more information, see Controlling Access to Content in Collaborative Spaces and 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Responsibilities.

Content Lifecycle

The Change Maturity command enables you to move content to a different maturity state of the Lifecycle graph.

For more information, see 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Content Lifecycle.