Configuring Lifecycle and Collaboration Commands

You can modify the access to lifecycle and collaboration commands, and configure the behavior when users create revisions, branches, and duplicates.

Required access role: Administrator

  1. Open the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center widget. For more information, see Widgets to Configure Content and Business Rules.
  2. In the menu in the left pane, click Lifecycle and Collaboration.
  3. To configure the format of revision IDs, in the Revision Naming Behavior section, select the value of your choice for the Revision Format option:
    Primary Only activates the primary revision ID. Its format is defined by the sequence selected for the object type (for example, A, B, …). For more information, see Configuring Revision Sequences.

    By default, this option is selected.

    Primary and Secondary Activates the secondary revision ID in the .# format (where # is an integer) after the primary revision ID.
    • This option is only available if minor revisions are disabled. For more information, see Step 4 below.
    • If this option is selected, the following opening IDs are not called during lifecycle operations: PLMPreCheckClone, PLMActionClone, PLMPostCheckClone, PLMPreCheckNewVersion, PLMActionNewVersion, and PLMPostCheckNewVersion.

      If you deployed Enterprise Knowledge Language scripts using these opening IDs, you must modify your configuration.

      For more information, see the Cloning and New Versions sections in Installation and Setup: Customize: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Behavior: Data Setup: List of Resource Set IDs: Infrastructure Business Logics: Business Logic for Validation on Server.

    Primary and Secondary for 3DEXPERIENCE Content with SOLIDWORKS Master Activates the secondary revision ID in the _# format (where # is an integer), after the primary ID and before the minor revision ID (for example: A_2.1).

    This format applies to 3DEXPERIENCE content with SOLIDWORKS master only. If you select it, the primary format is used for other object types.

    Important: This option is only available if:
    • It was selected before upgrading to 3DEXPERIENCE R2022x.
    • Minor revisions are enabled. For more information, see Step 4 below.

    For more information, see About Revision Formats.

    • These options apply to commands in Native apps, dashboard apps, and Collaborative Design CADs.
    • The Primary, and Primary and Secondary formats apply to object types with a revision sequence defined in the Revision Naming Rules tab of Collaborative Spaces Control Center (Engineering Definition, Engineering Evaluation, and Engineering Resource data). For more information, see Content Categories.
    • All revision sequences are not compatible with the Primary and Secondary and Primary and Secondary for 3DEXPERIENCE Content with SOLIDWORKS Master revision formats. For more information, see Configuring Revision Sequences and About Revision Sequences.

  4. To activate or deactivate minor revisions, in the Classical Revision Behavior section, select the value of your choice for the Classical minor revisions option:
    Disable Deactivates the minor revision ID and prevents users from creating minor revisions in native apps.

    By default, this option is selected.

    Enable primary and minor revision format Activates the minor revision ID in the .# format (where # is an integer), after the primary revision ID (for example: A.1).

    Users cannot create minor revisions.

    Important: This option is only available if the Primary revision format or the Primary and Secondary for 3DEXPERIENCE Content with SOLIDWORKS Master revision format is selected. For more information, see Step 3.

    Enable primary and minor revision format and creation Activates the minor revision ID, and enables users to create minor revisions in native apps.

    Recommendation: Do not enable the creation of minor revisions.

    Minor revisions allow specific processes such as modifying Released objects without visible impact for the users of these objects.

    Use the primary and secondary format instead of minor revisions if you only need a two-level revision ID.

    Important: This option is only available if the Primary revision format or the Primary and Secondary for 3DEXPERIENCE Content with SOLIDWORKS Master revision format is selected. For more information, see Step 3.

    For more information about the minor revision ID, see About Revision Formats.

  5. To modify the required access roles for lifecycle and collaboration commands, in the Lifecycle commands and Collaboration commands sections, click and select the access roles of your choice for each Set access for xxx command to option.

    To remove an access role, click .

    • The configuration of lifecycle commands applies to both native apps and dashboard apps, except the configuration of the Iterations command that applies to native apps only.

      The configuration of collaboration commands applies to native apps only.

    • The access roles allowed for the Duplicate and New Branch commands also apply to the Save as New and Save as New Branch commands in the Save with Options dialog box.
    • Default access roles may differ depending on your initial installation. If the default access roles have changed since your initial installation, the default access roles in Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center correspond to the former ones. To update to the newer default access roles, click Reset.

  6. To allow users to revise an object from any revision (whether it is the latest or not), in the Lifecycle commands section, select the Allow new revision from any revision option.

    If you clear this option, users can create revisions from the latest revision only.

    This option applies to native apps and dashboard apps.

    By default, this option is selected.

  7. To activate intents when using the New Branch command, in the Revision Intents section, click and select the intents you want to activate.

    To remove an intent, click .

    By default, all the intents are activated.

    Important: This option only applies to software items. For more information, see Connected Software User's Guide: Using Software Items: About the Revision Explorer.

The changes are applied immediately, and active sessions need to be restarted.

  • SOLIDWORKS sessions in SOLIDWORKS clients connected to the 3DEXPERIENCE with Collaborative Design do not need to be restarted.
  • To cancel you modifications and go back to the previously selected options, click Reset.
    Important: The Revision format and Classical minor revisions options are not reset to their previous values.
  • In case of invalid selection for the Revision format or Classical minor revisions option, first select a value compatible with the other option to fix the error, and then select the valid combination of your choice.

    For example: the Primary and Secondary revision format is selected, and you want to switch to the Primary revision format with minor revisions enabled. If you select the Enable primary and minor revision format value for the Classical minor revisions option first, an error appears for this option because it is not compatible with the Primary and Secondary revision format. To resolve it, you need to:

    1. Change the Classical minor revisions value to Disable (only value compatible with the Primary and Secondary revision format).
    2. Change the revision format to Primary.
    3. Change the Classical minor revisions value to Enable primary and minor revision format.